There are a few reasons why you may have trouble logging into your account.
Forgotten password
If you have forgotten your password, you can request for this to be reset yourself. Simply enter your email address after selecting 'Sign in' and then click 'Forgot Password?' and enter your email address again in order to initiate a password reset.
If you're having trouble locating this email, please check your Spam or Junk folder as these emails can occasionally be filtered incorrectly.
You can also contact our customer services team for help changing your password, however, please note that you will be asked security questions before we are able to update your password. This is to ensure that your account is kept as safe and secure as possible.
Email address not recognised
If your email address is not recognised or you're unable to log into your account (and you have made sure your email address is correct) it’s possible you do not have an account, even if you’ve placed previous orders. For previous orders, you may have used the “Guest Checkout” that allows you to place orders without creating an account.
If you would like to log on and view your previous orders, you will first need to create an account using the email address you have used on previous orders. To create an account click 'Sign in' and then enter your email address, you'll then be prompted to create an account by entering a password.
Your orders won't automatically show up on your account once you have done this so please contact our customer services team here for further assistance.
Cookies not enabled
To stay logged in correctly you must have cookies enabled on your web browser.
Google Chrome
Settings / Privacy and Security / Site Settings / Third-party cookies > Tick "Allow third-party cookies"
Tools / Options / Privacy > Tick “Accept cookies from sites”
Edit / Preferences / Security > Under “Accept cookies”, choose “Only from sites I visit”