We try our very best to match competitor prices wherever we possibly can - however from time to time we just can't do it.
If your Price Match Request met our general Price Match Conditions but was rejected, this is most likely because the competitor has access to cost prices below that of Mighty Ape - or they are simply selling the product below cost to clear stock or disrupt the market and compete the easiest way they can.
At Mighty Ape we try extremely hard to earn your order and provide the best possible customer service possible. This feels better to us than competition purely on price. Our investment in fast delivery and customer service does mean that we're not always the cheapest - but hopefully we make up for it by fast overnight delivery of in stock products and a customer service team available by email and chat should anything go wrong.
Price Matches vary from product to product and we do our best to Price Match when each case presents itself. With that in mind, please feel free to request more price matches in the future :)