If an item purchased from the Marketplace fails to arrive, and the buyer and seller are unable to resolve the dispute to mutual satisfaction, a formal dispute may be opened.
A dispute withholds payment to the seller while Mighty Ape staff investigate.
Depending on the outcome of the dispute, payment will either be made to the seller’s Mighty Ape account, or refunded to the buyer’s Mighty Ape account.
Resolution will be in the buyer's favour if the following conditions are met:
- the buyer selected delivery by Tracked Courier; and
- the buyer provided a valid delivery address; and
- the seller is unable to provide a valid “track and trace” that shows an attempted delivery to the buyer's delivery address
A resolution in the buyer’s favour will result in a full refund to the buyer’s Mighty Ape account. Payment for the item will not be made to the seller.
Resolution will be in the seller's favour if the following conditions are met:
- the buyer did not select delivery by Tracked Courier; or
- the seller delivered using Tracked Courier and can provide a valid “track and trace” that shows delivery to the buyer's delivery address.
A resolution in the seller’s favour will result in payment for the item (minus commission) to the seller’s Mighty Ape account. The buyer will not receive a refund.
Note: neither the seller nor Mighty Ape is responsible for an item once it has been delivered to the buyer's delivery address.
All dispute resolutions decisions are final and ongoing correspondence will not be entered into.